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C05M 11,000KV 1.0 mm Shaft: Discontinued.
New Motor Release
We are So Excited to introduce a new motor that can offer the same light weight and great performance as C05 at a much lower price! We got some prototypes available for people who want to test them out. They’re only $19.95 each, with or without pre-installed pinions. All we ask is your honest opinion on the motors performance. We only had 8 prototypes made, and they will be sold first-come first-serve.
Purchasing Options
1.5mm Classified Motor with Preinstalled 1.5mm 9T Pinion $20.95 USD
1.5mm Classified Motor w/o Pinion $20.95 USD
As of Feb 14, this motor is out of stock.
As of Mar 25, we’re bringing the motors back! Hang on tight!
As of April 23, the motors have arrived! We’re going to make the Buy Now button available around 4 PM Pacific Time. See You Soon!
As of April 24, 4:45 PM (sorry for the delay), the Buy Now button above is available!
As of April 25, 10:10a the drop down selection is fixed. We’ll be emailing some of you to confirm ur purchase option. Sorry for the trouble.
As of May 13, we’re finally giving the motor the official name: “Black Dragon.” BD-14 will be the part number.
Yes, yes. As of May 16, Black Dragons are out of stock! That’s only 3 weeks since their first day for sale! Stay Tune for the Next Batch Coming Soon!
Thank You for All of Your Support!
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C05M 11,000KV 1.0 mm Shaft: Discontinued.
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New Motor Release
C05M 11,000KV 1.0 mm Shaft: Discontinued.
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